Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Hump Day Musings

I have been slowly reading through an older riding book given to me called "Give Your Horse a Chance" by Lt. Col. A. L. d'Endrödy, and it has been interesting reading. It is focused on preparing the horse and rider for eventing and show-jumping and the language is akin to that of a Charles Dickens novel. There is a little piece that I read over again last night and I have been mulling it over in my mind all morning.

"In addition it should be noted that the rider's capacity for performing his activities may be improved by practice up to a stage when- without becoming automatic- they become quite instinctive. There is a big difference between 'instinctive' and 'automatic'. In the former actions the 'feeling' dominates the physical movements, and in the latter pure movements are performed only, Instinctive actions are sensitive and automatic ones mechanical. What is mechanical in riding upsets the horse, since it is not an engine but a living being."

Awareness of the horse, and what he needs, is the difference between those riding with feel, and just riding. When we switch to 'autopilot', we stop thinking. We just go from task to task somewhat aimlessly, allowing our minds to wander, taking short cuts, and often forgetting little pieces of the job. That is very dangerous, with horses. It's a dangerous way to live life in general, because we lose our awareness. How many times have you started to do something or say something or go somewhere on 'autopilot'? You say "Hi, Good' before someone actually asks how you are, you start driving to work instead of some out of the ordinary trip, etc. and then you say "Oh, I guess I wasn't thinking. "

These were the topics that I was considering while cleaning paddocks today. Awareness in day to day living, and how I approach each horse, and how I ride each horse. Probably if I spent half as much time riding as I do thinking about riding, I would be a much better rider, but I enjoy the theories of horsemanship as much as I enjoy the action, so maybe one day my body will catch up with my head.

Now, for some hump day humor, a few things that made me chuckle this week:

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